After the publication of article ‘Tattoos Affect Our Character and Our Destiny’, my friend Charu sent me a picture of the tattoo on her right upper arm with the request to see how it may affect her.
Of course, one google ‘Fishes tattoo meaning’ and get the answer. But I wanted to model the situation in my Inner Sanctuary to see the fishes ‘in action’.
What I observed was interesting. The fishes on her arm add a strong Yang energy to her personality, and amplify masculine energies, like working more, earning more, being a ‘man’, a provider in the family.
Also, the fishes require Water Element. So when it is short in supply they may ‘feed’ on her internal resources and dehydrate her.
Charu has agreed with the findings. She allowed me to share this story in order to spread awareness about this issue so that young people think carefully before they decide to go for a tattoo.
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