Where is the seat of the soul in the man? Some schools teach it is in the heart, while some schools talk about the head. Here is a delightful excerpt from the book ‘Causal Body’ by Arthur Powell.
“Lower manas is one with higher manas, in the same way that the ray is one with the sun.
The tiny fragment of the ego, which is put down into the personality, is the point of consciousness which clairvoyants can see moving about in the man. According to one system of symbology, it is seen as “the golden man the size of a thumb,” who dwells in the heart. Others, however, see it rather in the form of a star, a brilliant star of light.
A man may keep this Star of Consciousness where he will; that is to say, in anyone of the seven principal chakrams or centres of the body. Which of these is most natural to a man depends largely upon his type or “ray,” and probably also upon his race and sub-race.
Men of the Fifth Root Race nearly always keep this consciousness in the brain, in the centre dependent upon the pituitary body. There are, however, men of other races to whom it comes more natural to keep it habitually in the heart, the throat or the solar plexus.”
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