Below is my list of items that attract and (or) emit negative energy, translated from Russian.
Torn, old clothes, and shoes.
Cracked or chipped crockery. Tableware symbolizes family. Hence, defective plates and cups are an energy symbol of problems in the family.
Broken household items, broken mirrors.
Try to keep your home clean and free from clutter. Dark entities love junk, filth, dirty bodies, and dirty souls.
Gifts that you do not like. They bring bad luck because they have been gifted with bad feelings or with a curse.
Paintings that are containing something uncomfortable for us to see. They have a negative psychological effect on us; they disturb our peace of mind.
Pictures of snarling wild animals. They create an atmosphere of nervousness, aggressiveness, and negativity in the home environment, and can provoke disputes and fights.
Any object that is ugly, disharmonious, or has a quality of darkness in it.
Images depicting winter or fall. They reflect the idea of dying, the end of the natural cycle.
Things that have a negative past; items purchased during adverse times; artifacts reminding us about something sad.
Things that could have been used for magical purposes. Some exotic curios (masks, statues, symbols) can be a source of harmful energy.
Antiques with unclear or suspicious energy.
Furniture with sharp corners. Sharp corners create a type of energy that is cutting space. This brings about accidents and disease.
Live creeper plants. It is believed that they have the ability to attract a variety of diseases to the owners of the house.
It is not advisable to display portraits of deceased relatives, especially if the character of the deceased person was far from “enlightened”.
Portraits of dead relatives create a so-called necrotic field or a portal to lower astral dimensions. A necrotic field pervades the entire room, and also absorbs the energy of people who live in this space. After sleeping in such a room, a person may feel discomfort or fatigue.
It is not recommended to keep the pictures of the dead relatives together with photos of the living people. It is best to keep them in a separate album.
Photos depicting dead people, funerals, tragedies, and disasters.
Photos that were taken in front of the monuments commemorating the infamous people of the past. Some historical figures continue to attract much hatred and curses from people.
Stuffed animals and other dead artifacts: animal horns, skins of dead animals, dried starfish, shells, etc.
Clothing of the dead, ashes of demised relatives.
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